High strength lightweight translucent concrete

Sharestan Retrofit Design R&D team has invented “highly strength, light-transmitting structural lightweight concrete (ELASTICON)” using nanotechnology for the first time in the world. This invention was registered worldwide as a PCT on 01/11/2018. Ehsan Dadkhah Khiabani, the executor of this project and CEO of S.R.D company, won the gold medal in the civil and architectural section of the 46th International and Specialized Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva 2018 with his project to build “(ELASTICON)”.


Application of Elasticon concrete

1-This concrete can be used in Museums for Supplying light and conserving/protecting valuable artwork and collections from sunlight exposure.

2-Saving energy/ electricity due to light-transmitting properties of the concrete.

3-Illuminating of pavements and sidewalks by installing solar cells underneath this transparent/translucent concrete.

4-Illumination of Advertising boards or traffic signs.

5- Application in retrofitting of historical buildings/ monuments while at the same time preserving their unique historical value.

6-According to the ACI code, Elasticon is in the category of structural concrete because this concrete has a density of 1680 kilograms per cubic centimeter; therefore, it significantly reduces the weight of structures.

7-The use of recycled materials in concrete aggregate have a significant impact on environmental conservation and protection


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جستجو در سایت

تلفن: 33329241-041
همراه: 09144193142
آدرس: تبریز، سه راهی ولیعصربرج سینا، طبقه 8، واحد 8