
Definition of high Strength translucent lightweight concrete

Concrete is the most widely used building material in the world. However, researchers and manufacturers are working hard to produce different types of concrete to improve the overall quality and economic value of the building. In the meantime, “translucent concrete” is being used in many industries around the world. As an energy-efficient and environmentally friendly building material, translucent concrete is increasingly used in interior architecture today; but what exactly is translucent concrete and how is it made? This article provides everything you need to know about this concrete and its future in the construction industry.

Definition of Translucent Concrete
Translucent concrete is produced based on the concept of nano-optics, where optical fibers act as slits to transmit light from one side of the surface to the other. These optical fibers are evenly distributed in the concrete and are visible on both sides of the concrete block. While the patterns are formed on one side of the surface, they can appear as shadow lines in the concrete. There are several methods for producing transparent concrete. All of these methods are defined based on a fine-grained concrete of about 95 percent (cement and sand) and light-conducting elements of about five percent, which are added during the mixing design process. Also, this type of concrete can be developed by adding optical fiber or large-diameter glass fibers to the concrete mixture to reflect more light into the space. Transparent concrete has good light-conducting properties, and the volume ratio of optical fiber to concrete is proportional to the light transmission. This concrete does not lose the strength parameter compared to ordinary concrete, and it is also the best in terms of aesthetics of all concretes. It can be used to create a bright and modern look in architectural design. This new type of building material has evoked the concept of green energy saving.

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تلفن: 33329241-041
همراه: 09144193142
آدرس: تبریز، سه راهی ولیعصربرج سینا، طبقه 8، واحد 8